forgetting is remembering-
Forgetting is an endeavor,
continuous and unceasing;
The pictures of yesterday buried beneath
and faded as time creeps across-
new stories written over,
within which they lie unattended,
Ever ready to break the surface
at the slightest stimuli;
A glimpse of the countenance,
an echo of that baritone,
a shadow of the form,
a wisp of that scent-
brings with it a sea of emotions
crashing onto the shore,
against which we fight still,
resisting to be swept away
in the tidal wave,
a choice to stay put;
No more returns or turn backs,
resolute one stand
keeping those floodgates intact;
maybe it should be so
for that swelling is in tune with your heart,
and to lose them by giving in,
to drown in them once again-
no matter how tempting,
would mean death.
Forgetting is Remembering.
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